Thursday, October 31, 2013

Understanding the marine environment – seabed habitat ... on - free eBook download

Understanding the marine environment – seabed habitat ... on - free eBook download

History of Submarine Composites - Eric Greene Associates Inc on - free eBook download

History of Submarine Composites - Eric Greene Associates Inc on - free eBook download

Technical Considerations in the Design, Engineering ... on - free eBook download

Technical Considerations in the Design, Engineering ... on - free eBook download

What's New in Marine Propulsion Technology

What's New in Marine Propulsion Technology
The big news is in the gasoline inboard and stern drive sector where we’re beginning to see—finally—the appearance of variable valve timing (VVT), a proven technology that has been available in automotive engines for more than a decade, as well as in many outboards introduced over the last few years. VVT will make a real and palatable difference in your boating when it finally trickles down to mainstream models. 

What's New in Marine Propulsion Technology

What's New in Marine Propulsion Technology
The big news is in the gasoline inboard and stern drive sector where we’re beginning to see—finally—the appearance of variable valve timing (VVT), a proven technology that has been available in automotive engines for more than a decade, as well as in many outboards introduced over the last few years. VVT will make a real and palatable difference in your boating when it finally trickles down to mainstream models. 

Monday, October 28, 2013

CCN (Colocviul Constructorilor de Nave) 24

La CCN (Colocviul Constructorilor de Nave) 24, în cadrul ciclului Dezvoltarea industriei orizontale de constructii navale inainte si dupa 1990, se va prezenta o analiza facuta de dl ing. Nicolae Măgărint, a modului in care era organzata industria navala orizontala romaneasca, care livra materiale si echipamente pentru construirea navelor, in perioada functionarii Centralei Industriale Navale.
Aşteptăm şi intervenţia dlui deputat Victor Paul Dobre, fodt şef al Serviciului Tehnic din CIN.

Al doilea subiect de mare interes al serii va fi legat de istoria Arsenalului Marinei Militare din Galaţi, o unitate de elita în Galati pana in 1947, alături de Şantierului Naval, unde s-au construit nave militare pentru Marina Regală Română. inclusiv celebrele submarine Marsuinul şi Rechinul.
Vor încerca să reconstituie povestea Arsenalului domnii Tudose Tatu şi ing. Costel Gheorghiu, pasionaţi căutători în colbul arhivelor, din dorinţa de a cunoaşte adevărul şi a păstra memoria faptelor şi a oamenilor din Galati.

La finalul intalnirii, Comitetul de organizare CCN va inmana DIPLOMA DE EXCELENŢĂ CCN dlui ing. Anton Praisler, decanul de varsta al navalistilor, pentru intreaga activitate, pentru contributia importanta adusa in cadrul Colocviilor, pentru efortul de a reconstitui istoria constructiilor navale in Galati si nu numai.
 Prin bunavointa doamnei Silvia Panaite, secretar stiintific.
Vineri, 1 noiembrie 2013, ora 16, Sala Eminescu,BVAU!

CCN 23 (Colocviul Constructorilor Navali) 23

In cadrul CCN 23 (Colocviul Constructorilor Navali) 23 din luna octombrie,. dl conf. univ. Constantin Ardeleanu, prodecan al Facultatii de Istorie, Filosofie şi Teologie, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, specializat in istoria Dunării, a prezentat rezultatele cercetarii facute in cadrul unui interesant proiect international, coordonat de Institutul International de Istorie Sociala, cu titlul: In aceeasi barca? Forta de munca din santierele care construiesc si repara nave: o istorie globala a muncii (1950-2010).
Titlul lucrarii sale a fost Industria navala in Romania secolului al XX-lea - necesitatea unei istorii sociale.
De ce istorie socială? Pantru ca aceasta pune în prim plan OMUL.
Se cercetează relatiile si conditiile de munca, structura fortei de munca, recrutarea, conditiile de viata, cultura muncii, conflictele de munca si organizarea sindicala, rolul santierelor navale in economia nationala si internationala, politicile guvernamentale si legislatia specifica, efectele sociale si economice ale inchiderii unor santiere.
Au fost facute cercetari in Arhivele Statului si în ziarul Viata Nouă (actualmente Viata Libera), dar şi în ziarul Santierului Naval Galaţi, numit SANTIERUL ROŞU, care a apărut timp de 22 de ani (1967-1973) şi din care s-au păstrat foarte puţine exemplare.
S-a constatat ca există foarte putine informaţii in arhive, pentru a analiză mai corectă şi completă, facand cu atat mai pretioase reconstituirile facute in cadrul Colocviilor.
Subiecte de genul: forţarea modernizării sau analiza de gen a fortei fe muncă au stârnit multe comentarii din partea participanţilor (ing. Ioan Călina, ing. Cătălin Poalelungi, ing. Lorand Fazekaş, dr. ing. Roman Pîrvulescu şi alţii.
Au mai participat la întâlnire, printre alţii, prof.dr. Zanfir Ilie, directorul BVAU, ing. V. Pârlog, sef Serviciu Dezvoltare Economica din Prfectură. - detalii obtinute prin bunavointa secretarului stiintific doamna Silvia Panaite.



Saturday, October 26, 2013

Ship and Boat Construction and Repair - by Thornton, James R

Ship and Boat Construction and Repair

Authors: Thornton, James 92. Ship and Boat Building and Repair, Thornton, James R., Editor, Encyclopedia of Occupational Health and Safety, Jeanne Mager Stellman, Editor-in-Chief. International Labor Organization, Geneva. © 2011.

The construction of a ship is a highly technical and complicated process.
It involves the blending of many skilled trades and contract employees working under the control of a primary contractor.
Shipbuilding is performed for both military and commercial purposes.
It is an international business, with major shipyards around the globe competing for a fairly limited amount of work.
Shipbuilding has changed radically since the 1980s. Formerly, most construction took place in a building or graving dock, with the ship constructed almost piece by piece from the ground up. However, advances in technology and more detailed planning have made it possible to construct the vessel in subunits or modules that have utilities and systems integrated within.
Thus, the modules may be relatively easily connected. This process is faster, less expensive and provides better quality control. Further, this type of construction lends itself towards automation and robotics, not only saving money, but reducing exposures to chemical and physical hazards.
Overview of the Ship Construction Process
Figure 1 gives an overview of shipbuilding. The initial step is design. The design considerations for various types of ships vary widely. Ships may transport materials or people, may be surface ships or subsurface, may be military or commercial and may be nuclear or non-nuclear powered. In the design phase, not only should normal construction parameters be considered, but the safety and health hazards associated with the construction or repair process must be considered. In addition, environmental issues must be addressed.
Figure 1. Shipbuilding flow chart.
  Newport News Shipbuilding
The basic component of ship building is steel plate. The plates are cut, shaped, bent or otherwise manufactured to the desired configuration specified by the design (see figure 2 and figure 3). Typically the plates are cut by an automatic flame cutting process to various shapes. These shapes may be then welded together to form I and T beams and other structural members (see figure 4).
Figure 2.  Automatic flame cutting of steel plate in fabrication shop.
Eileen Mirsch
Figure 3.  Bending of steel sheet.
Newport News Shipbuilding
Figure 4. Welded steel plate forming part of a ship's hull.
Newport News Shipbuilding
The plates are then sent to fabrication shops, where they are joined into various units and subassemblies (see figure 5). At this juncture, piping, electrical and other utility systems are assembled and integrated into the units. The units are assembled using automatic or manual welding or a combination of the two. Several types of welding processes are employed. The most common is stick welding, in which a consumable electrode is used to join the steel. Other welding processes use inert gas shielded arcs and even non-consumable electrodes.
Figure 5. Working on a ship subassembly
 Newport News Shipbuilding
The units or subassemblies are usually then transferred to an open-air platen or lay down area where erection, or joining of assemblies, occurs to form even larger units or blocks (see figure 6) Here, additional welding and fitting occurs. Further, the units and welds must undergo quality-control inspections and testing such as radiography, ultrasonic and other destructive or non-destructive tests. Those welds found defective must be removed by grinding, arc-air grouping or chiseling and then replaced. At this stage the units are abrasive blasted to ensure proper profiling, and painted (see figure 7. Paint may be applied by brush, roller or spray gun. Spraying is most commonly utilized. The paints may be flammable or toxic or pose an environmental threat. Control of abrasive blasting and painting operations must be performed at this time.
Figure 6. Combining of ship subassemblies into larger blocks
Newport News Shipbuilding
Figure 7. Abrasive blasting of ship units prior to painting.
 Judi Baldwin
The completed larger units are then moved to the graving dock, shipway or final assembly area. Here, the larger units are joined together to form the vessel (see figure 8) Again, much welding and fitting occur. Once the hull is structurally complete and watertight, the vessel is launched. This may involve sliding it into the water from the shipway on which it was constructed, flooding of the dock in which it was constructed or lowering the vessel into the water. Launchings are almost always accompanied by great celebration and fanfare.
Figure 8. Adding ship's bow to the rest of the vessel.
Newport News Shipbuilding
After the ship is launched, it enters the outfitting phase. A large amount of time and equipment are required. The work includes the fitting of cabling and piping, the furnishing of galleys and accommodations, insulation work, installation of electronic equipment and navigation aids and installation of propulsion and ancillary machinery. This work is performed by a wide variety of skilled trades.
After completion of the outfitting phase, the ship undergoes both dock and sea trials, during which all the ship’s systems are proved to be fully functional and operational. Finally, after all testing and associated repair work is performed, the ship is delivered to the customer.

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Engineering & Piping Design Guide - NORGAM
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Olympus Marine Group wants you as Project Manager

Olympus Marine Group
    Olympus Marine Group Vision is to continue our long-standing reputation of being globally recognized as a trustworthy and innovative engineering firm in the Maritime industry.
    Our mission statement is to meet our client’s needs by delivering reliable and quality services, while maintaining a well-managed, ethical, and socially responsible multi-national company.
    For ship operators wrestling with high costs, technical challenges and delayed projects, Olympus Marine Group can dramatically improve the effectiveness and efficiency of technical projects.
    By investing the right amount of time and resources needed to understand our client’s expectations, needs and goals, Olympus Marine Group is able to deliver projects that are well planned resulting in substantial savings and shorter execution time.
Project Manager
    A person employed as a Project Manager will be responsible for the planning and execution of mechanical projects on passenger ships, contacts with customers and reporting of the work carried out.
Required skills:
  • Ability to draw and read technical drawings.
  • Experience of working with George Fisher pipes.
  • Extensive mechanical engineering and general ship design knowledge.
  • Project management competence.
  • Competence with MS Office tools, AutoCAD (preferred).
  • Experience working on cruise ships will be appreciated.
  • Establish and maintain effective working relationships with co-workers, supervisors and clients.
  • Fluent in English.
  • Practical information: Willing to travel up to 50% of time on whole world.
We offer:
  • Work in an international and expanding company.
  • Very attractive salary.
  • The opportunity to develop your career within an international environment.

George Juguleanu
Senior Project Manager

Olympus Marine Group 
USA Headquarters: 3930 North 29th Ave, Hollywood, FL, 33020.
Office:   +1-954-920-8040.
Fax:      +1-954-920-8167.
Mobile:  +1-954-756-0474.
UK Office: 1st Floor, 5 Town Quay, Southampton, SO14 2AQ.
Office:   +44 23 80334029.
Polish Office: Ul. Msciwoja II 1, Rumia, 84-230
Office:   +48 660 915914. 

Friday, October 25, 2013

Small Shipyard business, an oportunity

Shipyard bussiness it is delayed as small private bussiness in Lower Danube, despite of having skilled traditional marine workers, facilities, location, on Danube and tradition in marine repair, maintenance and construction.
Further European economic trends show that money will be spent scarcely on maintenance and repair, thus keeping maintained and in ‘class’ will be a future problem for boat and yachts owners!
So? One of the solutions stays in profiting again from the cheap skilled labour force in Lower Danube in Romania where can be found attractive opportunities in starting some small repair and maintenance shipyards, using models like Front Street Shipyard!
The chances for establishing faster these types of shiprepair facilities will be possible mainly after construction of the Professional Yachts’ Harbour in Galati, boosting and encouraging further prospectors in coming and investing in small shipyard businesses.
Time will take out at light the Truth!

Spuneam ca in perioada Marii Crize, in America inflorisera constructiile de ambarcatiuni private de agrement! Dar pe langa constructia de ambarcatiuni, de la barci si salupe pana la yachturi veritabile, se ridicasera si santierele navale unele doar de constructie, altele de reparatie exclusiv si acestea au trecut repede spre domeniul militar da si unele santiere care puteau si construi si repara!
Fluxul de operatiuni destinate unui proiect de reparatii nu este cu mult diferit de cel al construirii unei nave, din punct de vedere tehnologic, din punct de vedere organizational totul devine un concert de sicnronizare intre operatiuni, de la munca de santier naval pana la timpii de livrare de catre furnizori: tubulatura, echipamente, elice, materiale diverse, tehnica, forta d emunca supliemntara, cunoastere, operatiuni complementare!
Nu sunt multe santiere navale la Galati, este santierul istoric si ultramodern DAMEN si ceea ce se numeste Navrom Reparatii, o facilitate industriala care poate insa si construi nave, restrictiile tinand limpede de dimensiuni!
In trecut, pentru barjele de pe Dunare, nu numai cele romanesti, mai existau Garena despere care sincer, nu am detalii!
Intr-un santier naval micut operatiunile de reparatii primeaza, el este un fel de service pentru nave si operatiunile pe care le include in oferta de servicii nu tin nu mai de reparatii, revizii si verificari ci si de intretinere si asistenta, adica in mare cam ceea ce un autoservice face masinilor, un santier naval poate face navelor.
Apar insa oameni mai bine pregatiti, ei stiu si motoare dar si hidraulica, frigotehnice, electrotehnica, penumatica si electronica, la un nivel specific navelor, de aceea se discuta si de alti bani!
Deci mecanica si instalatii la masini, propulsie si instalatie la nave!
Roti, frane, directie,suspensie la masini, elice, tub etambou, axe, sistem de propulsie si carma la nave!
Tinichigerie la masini, lucrari pentru carena la nave!
Aerul conditionat difera in doemnii dar are acelasi fundamente!
Sistemele electrice sunt interesante in amabele parti!
Masinile nu au echipamente de punte, pentru ca nu au punti!
Dar cand e vorba de vopsitorie si aici domeniile au specificitati! Navele stau in apa si pe perioada sederii se depun atatea care poarta denumirea de 'fouling' iar curatirea carenei de aceste depuneri si vopsirea acesteia, inseamna operatiuni banoase din care se traieste daca nava este mai mare ca dimensiuni.
Deci operatiuni mecanice, de motor, la pompe, hidraulice, pneumatice, de frig si electrice, de tinichigerie si vopsitorie fac parte din planul de afaceri din care pot trai micile santiere navale de reparatii care insa nu apar pe Dunare!
De ce? Tot aud de strageia Dunarii! Ieri am vazut elicopteruil ministresei transporturilor care a venit la Galati ca Ceausescu sa revigireze porturile! 
Sunt bani pentru asta!? Daca se revigoreaza porturile incepe navigatia?
Asa ar trebui! Adica transport, asigurari, reparatii, servicii, locuri de muinca! Bani! Economie!
Orasele de langa ape, spunea si Angela Merkel, sunt orase prospere! \
Nu si Galatiul! Pana acum! Si la Braila e dificil! Cred ca si la Tulcea!
Un santier mic naval de reparatii ofera servicii de mecanica, electrica, frigotehnica, vopsitorie si reparatii carena dar si de intretinere si conservare pe perioada iernii, evaluare si expertiza si stocare tot pe timpul iernii!
Deci banii vin din marja la piese, manopera si chirii, plus lansare si scoatere la tarm, o mica tractare, o interventie de salvare, intermediere de asigurare, survey! Iata ca sunt destule izvoare de bani!
Si cu toate astea nu apar santierele mici navale! De ce? Oamenii de vanzari, nu-s! In tara asta, patronii stiu de toate si in fapt, ei cred ca stiu pentru ca au banii! Deocamdata!
De ce sunt santierele mici atractive economic? Pentru ca inca forta de munca din domeniu este platita la un nivel care o face atractiva si in conditiile construirii unui port profesional de ambarcatiuni, europenii de pe linia Dunarii ar alege sa isi repare si intretina yachturile la Galati, nu numai sa le tina la ancora sau la ponton in port!
in fotografie un exemplu de studiat: Front Street Shipyard for service and repair.

Friday, October 18, 2013

Design of Ship Hull Structures

Spray painting

Spray painting is a painting technique where a device sprays a coating (paint, ink, varnish, etc.) through the air onto a surface. The most common types employ compressed gas—usually air—to atomize and direct the paint particles. Spray guns evolved from airbrushes, and the two are usually distinguished by their size and the size of the spray pattern they produce.
Airbrushes are hand-held and used instead of a brush for detailed work such as photo retouching, painting nails or fine art.
Air gun spraying uses equipment that is generally larger. It is typically used for covering large surfaces with an even coating of liquid.
Spray guns can be either automated or hand-held and have interchangeable heads to allow for different spray patterns. Single color aerosol paint cans are portable and easy to store.(

Using a Compressed Air Paint Spray Gun

A compressed air sprayer is the best way to rapidly put down a flat, even coat of paint. The paint is mixed with compressed air, which atomizes your paint. Compressors, which are powered by either electricity or gasoline, take in air and compresses it in a cylinder, diaphragm or rotating blades, then expels it in the form of high pressure air.

There are compressors which deliver pressurized air directly to the spay gun, and other types which store it in a metal receiver tank which delivers air on an as needed basis. Either one can be used.
How does a Paint Spray Gun Work

As you pull the trigger, a needle valve opens in the nozzle tip of the gun where the paint comes out.

The nozzle tip has an air cap that directs compressed air into the stream of paint coming from the gun’s reservoir container. In a paint spray gun, paint is delivered through either gravity feed, suction feed, or pressure feed.

With the gravity feed, you have a paint container that is mounted on the top of the gun; paint drips down into the nozzle. For suction feed guns, you have a specialized air cap producing low vacuum in the fluid tip.

Paint is delivered via overall atmospheric pressure from a container on the bottom of the gun. Compressed air spray guns are of the pressure feed type, compressed air is used instead of the atmospheric pressure/vacuum system.
Getting Ready

Since overspray is inevitable, you must protect areas surrounding the surface being painted.

Give a straight line to the edges of the surface with masking tape, laying newspaper behind the edge. For larger areas, plastic tarp or sheeting can be used; staple, tape or weight it down to fix in place.

Paint should be thinned before spaying. It will smooth out better on the surface and the nozzle fluid tip will be less likely to clog up. To thin, add the proper solvent for the paint type, stirring to a smooth consistency that easily runs from the stirring stick’s surface.

Strain any older paint if it has developed a skin. Straining it through a cheesecloth several times will remove any lumps or particles.
Spraying Paint

First, adjust the gun to get the best shape and density of spray. To do this, the air control screw knob is turned clockwise to make the cone of spray narrower, or counter clockwise to widen the cone. Increasing the cone size requires adjusting the paint flow, using the fluid control screw knob.

The shape that gives the most coverage is a fan pattern. It is created by the position of the air cap horns; vertically set they produce a vertical fan, and horizontally set produce a horizontal fan pattern.

Hold the sprayer gun 8 to 10 inches from the surface to be painted.

Depress the trigger and move the gun in steady parallel passes from side to side.

At the end of each pass, direct the spray off the work onto the newspaper or plastic tarp, while at the same time releasing the trigger. This prevents paint build-up at the sides of the pass.

Give each pass a slight overlap with the previous one.

Be careful to keep the gun the same distance from the surface all through the pass. Also make sure you keep the pass parallel to the floor (it you are painting a wall, for example) throughout the pass, rather making your spray in an arc motion.
Spray Paint Problems

If your spray gun is spitting intermittently, you need to stop and fix it or you will get uneven coverage.

Spitting is caused by a needle valve with dried out packing rings. The dried out packing lets air seep into the fluid passages, or dirt to enter the fluid top seating.

Disassemble the nozzle and apply a drop or two of machine oil to the packing. With a shop rag dampened with paint thinner, clean the fluid tip, seating and spray gun body in that area. Reassemble the nozzle tip.

Spattering of paint is caused by either too much air pressure for the paint or not enough atomization. It will produce a speckled and uneven looking painted surface. You need to adjust your air pressure level to eliminate this problem.

An uneven spray pattern that deflects or is heavy on one side and light on the other is usually the fault of uneven pressure due to an air hole blockage. You need to clean out the nozzle tip as outlined above.
Clean Up

When you are finished, any remaining paint should be poured out of the container. Spray the proper thinner solvent for the paint type through the gun until it comes out clear.

The container should then be wiped clean with a rag dampened in the same solvent. Disassemble the air cap and fluid tip. Wipe them clean, making sure all air passages are clear of paint and debris.(

Anti-fouling paint 1

Anti-fouling paint or bottom paint is a specialized coating applied to the hull of a ship or boat in order to slow the growth of organisms that attach to the hull and can affect a vessel's performance and durability.
Hull coatings may have other functions in addition to their anti-fouling properties, such as acting as a barrier against corrosion on metal hulls, or improving the flow of water past the hull of a fishing vessel[1] or high-performance racing yacht...
In the Age of Sail, sailing vessels suffered severely from the growth of barnacles and weed on the hull, called "fouling." Thin sheets of copper or Muntz metal were nailed onto the hull in an attempt to prevent marine growth. One famous example of the traditional use of metal sheathing is the clipper Cutty Sark, which is preserved as a museum ship in dry-dock at Greenwich in England. Marine growth affected performance (and profitability) in many ways.
The maximum speed of a ship decreases as its hull becomes fouled with marine growth.
Fouling hampers a ship's ability to sail upwind.
Some marine growth, such as shipworms, would bore into the hull causing severe damage over time.
The ship may transport harmful marine organisms to other areas.[2]

The inventor of the anti-fouling paint was Captain Ferdinand Gravert, born in 1847 in Glückstadt (Schleswig-Holstein, now in Germany but then Danish), who sold his chemical formula in 1913 at Taltal, Chile.

Captain Alex Gravert has valuable documentation about this.

Modern anti-fouling paints
In modern times, anti-fouling paints are formulated with toxic copper, organotin compounds, or other biocides—special chemicals which impede growth of barnacles, algae, and marine organisms.

"Hard" bottom paints, or "non-sloughing" bottom paints, come in several types. "Contact leaching" paints "create a porous film on the surface. Biocides are held in the pores, and released slowly."[3] Hard bottom paints also include Teflon and silicone coatings, which are too slippery for growth to stick. SealCoat systems, which must be professionally applied, dry with small fibers sticking out from the coating surface. These small fibers move in the water, preventing bottom growth from adhering.[3]

following this link

the manner in which a boat's hull is affected by fouling 
Cleaning the hull by fouling takes money, time, labour and euipment, maily used water pressured, the process precedes the following steps for applying the bottom paint or the antifouling coating., and thsi should be done only after the ship is being docked in the shipyard. Despite the standards procedures each cleaning project is unique and should be treated likewise organizing the operations, organizind human resouces, sincronising thei efforts with suppliers and time availble for each stage.
Hull coating in shipyard on a docked vessel

Friday, October 11, 2013

Colocviile Constructorilor de Nave CCN - Nr.23

Industria constructiilor de nave are un rol foarte important pentru transporturi, comert, industria siderurgica, industria de aparare si nu numai. 
Nava este un oras plutitor, pe corpul careia se asambleaza materiale si echipamente produse de cele mai diverse ramuri industriale.
Industria navala este o industrie de sinteza.
Dezbaterile au vizat industria navala, dimensiunile si inceputurile alaturi de  dl conf. univ. Constantin Ardeleanu, prodecan al Facultatii de Istorie, Filosofie şi Teologie, Universitatea „Dunărea de Jos” din Galaţi, specializat in istoria Dunării, care a prezentat o parte din rezultatele cercetarii  facute in cadrul unui interesant proiect international, coordonat de Institutul International de Istorie Sociala, cu titlul: In aceeasi barca? Forta de munca din santierele care construiesc si repara nave: o istorie globala a muncii (1950-2010).
S-a studiat ce s-a intamplat cu forta de munca din santierele navale dupa cel De-al Doilea Razboi Mondial  si pana in prezent, dintr-o perspectiva istorica globala si intalnirea cu seniorii navali galateni a fost de bun augur, paleta informationala fiind diversificata, acestia ei insisi fiind adevarate izvoare de informatii!
O intalnire interesanta pentru care multumesc secretarei stiintifice doamna Silvia Panaite si domnului Gelu Kahu marele senior al industriei navale romane!

Thursday, October 10, 2013

Si daca ramuri bat in geam

Si daca ramuri bat in geam
si tremura copaciii
iar nava eu la apa n-am,
chiar ca m apuca dracii!

Invatati pe cei mici elemente de yachting, pronind de la lucruri simple, daca sanatatea imi permite in 2014 cel tarziu pornesc un blog de cultura navala, pentru cei indragostiti de nave si lumea apelor!
Look no further: